Invoice and Credit Notes over £500
Every six months, we publish a list of all invoices and credit notes over £500 we receive, providing details on supplier name, amount paid, invoice reference, gross amount and... -
Non Domestic Rates relief recipients
Lists of Non Domestic Rates Reliefs (excluding personal data) awarded beginning from Financial Year 2020/21 (as at 1st June 2021). From the Financial Year 2021/22 details will... -
Angus Council Car Parks
Car parks run by Angus Council -
Recycling centre tonnage data
The tonnage of recycling collected quarterly at each recycling centre in Angus, and the recycling rates. -
Angus Council Article 4 directives
Areas where Permitted Development rights under classes 1,7 & 8 of Town Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(Scotland) Order 1992 have been revoked. -
Angus Council Property
Properties that Angus Council owns or occupies or has owned or occupied or has some other interest in. -
Angus Council Nursery School Catchment Areas
Nursery school catchment areas (delineated) in Angus. -
Angus Council Area Fact Sheet
Sourced from National Records of Scotland website the fact sheet brings together up-to-date statistics of the Angus area. https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-... -
Angus Council Limited Waiting Restrictions
Angus Council Limited Waiting Restrictions -
Angus Community Council boundaries
Community Councils within Angus. A Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute by the Local Authority and run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. -
Angus Council Conservation Areas
Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest. They are designated by Angus Council to ensure any new development preserves or enhances their varied... -
Angus Council Contract Award Notices on Public Contracts Scotland
Angus Council publishes all contract notices on the Public Contracts Scotland website. -
Angus Council Denominational Primary School Catchment Areas
Angus Council Denominational Primary School Catchment Areas -
Angus Council disabled parking bays
Disabled parking bays in Angus with enforceable restrictions. -
Angus Council fish smoking areas
Fish Smoking Area in Arbroath for the production of the Arbroath Smokie -
Angus Council Housing Land audit
Angus Council and Dundee City Council have jointly prepared the Annual Audit of Housing Land detailing those sites with a capacity of five or more houses which contribute to the... -
Angus Council Local Plan Town Centres
Town Centre boundaries for the Angus Council Local Development Plan. -
Angus Council Localities
Localities used in the Corporate Address Gazetteer for the generation of addresses. -
Angus Council No Loading Restrictions
Angus Council No Loading Restrictions -
Angus Council No Waiting Restrictions
Angus Council No Waiting Restrictions